Cäsium ∙ césium ∙ cesio ∙ cesio
group I: R2O
- melting point: 28.4°C
- boiling point: 669.3°C
- density: 1.873 g/cm³
The three main contributors to the committed effective dose [from global fallout] received by the world population are carbon-14 (70%), cesium-137 (13%) and strontium-90 (3%). — radioactivity.eu.com
2015 wurde [bei Triagemessungen] ein Rekordwert für Wildschweinfleisch … von 9’920 Bq/kg 137Cs festgestellt. — URA-JB
☢ radioisotopes:
Cs-137 (T1/2=30 a) fission product
Cs-134 (T1/2=2 a) activation product
134Cs is found in spent nuclear fuel but is not produced by nuclear weapon explosions, as it is only formed by neutron capture on stable 133Cs, which is only produced by beta decay of 133Xe … — Wikipedia